Saturday, July 29, 2006


Hi all

Well were now in Edinburgh. It’s really lovely here we love Scotland it’s really relaxed and has a calming effect on you.

It’s a really exciting time to be in Edinburgh the Edinburgh festival starts in 4 days that means theatre music art and the military tattoo it’s got it all from the 2nd of august to the 26th. Xavier is playing with Michael franti on the 16th so were going to come down from Aberdeen.

Today we got our train ticket to go up to Aberdeen if you by it early you get a discount on the day it would have been 35 pounds to buy it today 3 days early it was 9.50 pound so that was a great save.

Tomorrow were going on a tour around the city. The weather has been great here we had a little rain for an hour today but that was it.

We had a little exciting news there was a job in Aberdeen for me but it fell through they thought I could do MRI so I was very upset I wish I could find a job never mind.

Rob is really looking forward to working. Oh we are living somewhere else to the address has changed to a different flat we will be able to tell you when we get there.

Hope all is well hope to but some photos up today on the blog.

Love always jus and rob xoxoxxo


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